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"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." 
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Jocelyn Fritsch (PhD, CPCC, PCC) is an executive coach and expert in senior executive development. Her hallmark philosophy encourages leaders to believe that “anything is possible.” What her clients dare to dream, they dare to do.

With nearly 20 years of experience, Jocelyn has managed large-scale projects nationally and overseas for multi-national corporations, U.S. institutions, and foreign governments in the areas of project management, international development assistance, and property acquisitions. Living and working in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, Jocelyn speaks three languages and has first-hand experience with setting and executing strategy, establishing supportive cultures, and managing diverse staffs. Her ability to think strategically while acting quickly has earned her the reputation of someone who gets the job done. Closer to home, she led the training and development department of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Federal practice during a merger year and managed the design and delivery of curriculum to meet the needs of this 156,000 person organization. Since then, she has assisted leaders and teams in organizations ranging from small start-ups to global businesses of over 350,000 employees.

As a coach, Jocelyn has worked with over 300 clients ranging from CEOs to US Ambassadors on issues such as strategy, organizational change, organizational politics, teams, and interpersonal effectiveness. She is especially adept at helping clients reverse negative behaviors and perceptions so that they can become more powerful and effective leaders.

Jocelyn 's client list is impressive. It includes Fortune 100 companies and U.S. Federal agencies. General Mills, IBM, Medtronic, Macy’s, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Best Buy are just a few of the companies Jocelyn has helped over the years. Within the public sector, Jocelyn has worked closely with the Departments of Agriculture, State, Transportation, Homeland Security, Defense, Army, Navy and Veterans Administration. Jocelyn has also provided services to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), and the Social Security Administration.

Jocelyn earned her PhD in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development at the University of Minnesota. Her goal was to devise new methods of building cross-organizational teams. Referencing the U.S. civilian-military collaboration in Afghanistan, Jocelyn has discovered different ways to structure organizations and teams to ensure better cooperation. Her models are applicable to any organization that depends upon the internal collaboration of multiple entities and faces the barriers of different values, processes, systems, and cultures.

Jocelyn is a consummate learner and will try almost anything once. She has learned to dogsled, race cars, pilot a Zamboni, and drive an army tank. Her next adventure is to operate a backhoe. Jocelyn encourages her clients to be just as curious and bold.

Propel your leadership to an unmatched level by calling Jocelyn Fritsch at +001.952.926.2949. The effort is worth the result: a uniquely powerful and consistent leadership that will make a real difference in your organization and the world.


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