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> Our Impact

Impact defines your leadership 
effectiveness and 

Ultimately, impact is everything. It incorporates not only  what you  achieve (results), but how you achieve it, and for what purposes. It is your personal mark or stamp that defines your effectiveness and what legacies you will leave behind. It is ongoing and must constantly be at a conscious level for you to be the most effective. 

What kind of impact do you want to create
? Recognizing that our 
individual thoughts and actions contribute positively or negatively to your  team, organization, and society is the first step in determining your impact.

Lion Leaders helps you to identify, create, and magnify your impact so  that it is positively perceived and embraced. Creating an impact is like a  chain-reaction. It starts with your thoughts and actions that directly affect  your team’s results. These results, in turn, contribute to how well your organization achieves its mission, and ultimately, how well it performs and  is viewed by society.

United by our mission of 
"Changing the World One Leader at a Time",
we realize our personal impacts also extend beyond ourselves, into our clients' lives and organizations, and beyond. We are guided by the awareness that for our clients to do the right thing, we must also do the  right thing. Our impact is clearly driven by this guideline and is directly tied  to our ability to consistently create thoughtful and ethical leaders.

As part of our impact, we are also actively engaged in our communities. Whether it is sponsoring a walk-a-thon team to fight birth defects, build  houses and furniture for the disadvantaged, or contribute funds to fight Parkinson ’s disease, we choose to model the type of leadership that  creates meaningful and profitable organizations that positively contribute to  our world.

Lion Leaders helps you create an impact thatstarts with you and positively affects your team, organization, and society.
“Doing the right thing” is crucial to our mission and our impact on you.
Our leadership impact naturally extends to our communities.

© 2015 Lion Leaders, LLC. All rights reserved.
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