Most organizational change efforts fail within 1 year of the intervention. They fail, primarily, 
because of inadequate leadership.
Lion Leaders, LLC is very much aware of this discouraging fact and it is why we have deliberately 
devised an ongoing assistance program, Client for Life, that assures continuing results.
At Lion Leaders, we consider each client a client for life. Unlike other less effective programs, we 
will meet with you one year after your program has been completed to discuss the effect Lion 
Leaders has had on you and your organization. At this meeting, we will focus on keeping you on 
track and offer recommendations for your continued success.
Additionally, all clients have access to our coach consultants even after they have completed 
their programs. We know leadership can be demanding. Thus, we will always be available should 
you want to discuss an important topic at no additional cost. We are that committed to your 
Finally, as a client of Lion Leaders, you will have full access to the latest leadership practices and 
success stories via our future interactive website. You will be able to “chat” with other leaders and compare your techniques and practices with other companies, including those considered "best in class" by the American Society for Training & Development's (ASTD) annual benchmark study. You can remain current with some of the best leadership practices in today's market.

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