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Our Clients > Testimonials
“I was impressed with my coach consultant’s ability to provide candid, actionable solutions. I 
recently complete a 360 degree feedback process and received numerous comments around a 
noticeable change in my leadership skills. The feedback was positive and I attribute it to the 
work I have been doing with Lion Leaders. Thank you!”
Director - General Mills

Lion Leaders challenged me to explore our values, life purpose, and align it with the 
organization’s values and mission. These exercises, in combination with the incredible support 
and guidance I received, led me to my ‘dream job’ within my same company. I never imagined 
the impact this program would have on my life!”
Director - Medtronic

“I learned how my values impact my leadership style, how to recognize when I am not being 
true to them, and what truly makes me tick as a leader. By the end of the process, I was able 
to lead more effectively and with greater confidence. As a result, I have been granted greater 
levels of responsibility and have advanced significantly within my organization.”
Senior Manager - IBM

“Our agency employs many executive coaches. 
Lion Leaders was an obvious choice because 
of their international experience and my coach consultant’s ability to connect, understand, and 
nail what was holding me back in my leadership. It wasn’t long before I was making 
immediate changes and noticeable improvements to my leadership. Amazing!”
Mission Director - USAID, Africa

“We take leadership very seriously as our people - whether U.S. Ambassadors, Mission 
Directors, and others ­ represent the United States to the rest of the world. Lion Leaders, 
LLC has been invaluable in working with us to develop the right programs to provide the right 
skills to these people in critical leadership positions.”
Senior Program Manager - U.S. Department of State

Lion Leaders helped to develop my leadership by making me understand my current impact 
on others and how it can damage or inspire. As a result, I can now better influence, motivate, 
and build better teams. It was a tough lesson to learn, but it has been extremely rewarding.”
Vice President - Federated Department Stores

Lion Leaders has helped me at a very fundamental level to make the most of my strengths 
and to “fix” (or at least compensate) for my weaknesses. I now work better with my peers and 
subordinates as a result of the coaching. As to my personal life, the coaching has turned my 
life around. I am now more attentive to my spouse and to my own needs for relaxation and 
enjoyment outside the workplace. I am better at saying “no” to excessive demands from 
others. This guidance and sounding board has been critical to my sanity.”
Chief Operating Officer - Large Defense Contracting Company

“Your coaching and consulting have changed our organization: We have shared our ideas and 
feelings more freely, discovered more business opportunities, increased our creativity, and 
ultimately reduced our stress. As a CEO, these improvements are music to my ears.”
CEO - High-Technology Company

Lion Leaders has helped my professional and personal growth in many ways.  Professionally, 
my coach consultant worked with me to focus on my strengths and encouraged me to lead ­ 
not merely manage. Personally, she has taught me to keep my true goals and aspirations in 
mind, and to always keep them within my reach. Thank you.”
President - Software Development Company

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