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This program is designed for new or emerging leaders.  It is Lion Leaders’ signature program
 as it allows us 
to introduce proven, basic leadership skills in combination with a heightened self
awareness of how these 
leaders can make a difference in themselves, the organization, and the communities they serve.
This program is offered in two forums. It can be conducted as an individual coaching program or
it can be 
offered as a combination of workshops with individual coaching sessions in between.
The latter forum is ideal
for organizations that want to prepare several leaders simultaneously in
the most economical way possible.
Critical leadership skills that are introduced and applied include:
  • Leadership Self Awareness and Impact Determination through the identification and use of LeaderBrand™
  • Effective Communication
  • Project Management
  • Team Building
  • Managing Upwards and Across
  • Negotiation
  • Presentation Skills
  • Image Management and Organizational Savvy
New leaders who have completed this intensive program experience the following:
° confident in their decision-making and their signature leadership style
° competent
 in the use of their newly learned skills
° aware
 of how to leverage their leadership so that it impacts themselves, their people, and their communities

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