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It is lonely at the top, but it does not have to be. We recognize that today’s executives face 
unique challenges because of their role and professional isolation. Obtaining direct and truthful 
feedback from someone not within the reporting structure, or having the opportunity to 
question your thinking without someone judging you, can be invaluable to your success as a 

The Executive
 is a confidential, one-on-one coaching and consulting program that is 
designed to support the executive as he or she strives to advance the organization. It is 
appropriate for CEO’s, Presidents, Executive Directors or anyone leading a large group of 
people towards a common vision.
This program is right for you if you want:
• An objective sounding board from someone outside the reporting structure who is familiar with the types of issues facing today’s executive leaders
• A trusted strategist who can expand your strategic and critical thinking to ensure 
effective decision-making in high stake situations
• A committed advocate in creating and communicating a compelling vision
• A personal organizational consultant who has knowledge of the do’s and don’ts when
planning and executing sweeping organizational changes, managing across global cultures, or building a high performing executive team that is necessary for your organization’s growth and success
• A knowledgeable expert who can offer assistance in building successful relationships 
with a Board of Directors, shareholders, and the media
• An empathetic coach to help you rediscover your passion and create a work/life balance 
that is right for you
What are you ready to do? Take your organization to a new level? Create a legacy?  
Rediscover your passion and create more impact? Contact our founder, Jocelyn Fritsch, at 
+001.952.926.2949 or at Jocelyn @lionleaders.com so that you can start your confidential 
and personalized program today.

© 2015 Lion Leaders, LLC. All rights reserved.
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