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Please join Lion Leaders to Put the Brakes on Parkinsons Disease!

Our Founder, Jocelyn Fritsch and the Fritsch Family are continuing the fight!

In 2011, the Fritsch family partnered with Team Fox of the Michael J. Fox Foundation to aggressively fight Parkinson’s Disease (PD). PD is a degenerative, neurological disease that starts with tremors and ends with physically incapacitation and death. There is no cure. Over 5 million people have it; 60,000 will be diagnosed this year in the U.S. alone.

Unfortunately, PD runs in Jocelyn 's Family. To raise money for a cure, Jocelyn raced the family's hotrod in the legendary Cannonball One Lap of America Race, a grueling 8 day auto race that covers half the country. A graduate of the Skip Barber Racing School, she placed first in class.

The “PD Killer " is a one-of-a-kind car built on a 1993 Ford Police Interceptor chassis with a growling 4.6 liter, V8 engine. Three generations of the family built the car.

Jocelyn drives the PD Killer every summer to raise awareness so that others will join the fight to stop PD.

Please consider making a donation of $25, $50, or more to the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Donations are tax-deductible.

To donate online: Click on the link: https://www.michaeljfox.org/get-involved/donation.html.

For more information regarding the Michael J. Fox Foundation and its efforts to stop PD, please go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation website: www.michaeljfox.org.

Thank you for trying to save others and their families from this devastating disease.


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